C# Exception Handling: 10 Things You Need To Know

Alex Maher
8 min readJun 19, 2023

Hey there! I’m here to share some wisdom about handling exceptions in C#. Trust me, understanding this can be a lifesaver for your coding projects.

First off, what’s an exception? Well, picture yourself coding happily, then suddenly, bam, a wild bug appears. That’s your exception, a runtime issue like trying to access an array element that doesn’t exist, causing a hiccup in the regular flow of your application.

Exception handling is essentially our superhero toolset to manage these unexpected guests. In C#, we mainly use try-catch-finally blocks for this task. Ok let’s dive in!

1. Use of Try/Catch Blocks

Understanding the use of try/catch blocks is fundamental to programming in C#. It’s our first line of defense against runtime errors that could lead to application crashes. With this tip, you’ll learn to write robust code that can handle exceptions gracefully. You can learn more about try/catch blocks in C# from the official Microsoft documentation.

As developers, we should always use try/catch blocks around code that might throw an exception. This is especially true when dealing with external resources, such as file systems, databases, or network connections.



Alex Maher
Alex Maher

Written by Alex Maher

.NET C# dev with 10+ yrs exp, self-taught & passionate web developer. Sharing tips & experiences in C# and web dev.