2 Minutes Story — Brain**ck

Alex Maher
2 min readJun 14, 2023

So, you know how we usually talk about regular programming stuff like C#, JavaScript, and all that? Well, let’s switch it up a bit and dive into this super weird but insanely cool programming language called Brainf**k.

Now, picture this — it’s 1993, and there’s this Swiss physics student, Urban Mueller, who’s got a bit of a rebellious streak. Instead of making a standard, run-of-the-mill programming language, he decides to craft this totally minimalist language with the tiniest compiler you can imagine. How tiny? We’re talking under 200 bytes tiny, designed for the good ol’ Amiga 2.0 OS!

Now, Brainf**k operates on a super basic array of 30,000 bytes, all starting at zero. It’s all about a movable pointer that you can push around with eight super straightforward commands. Just think of it like playing a really weird game of chess on an enormous, one-dimensional board.

You use angle brackets to slide your pointer left and right, plus and minus signs to bump up or knock down the cell value, a period to shout out the byte where your pointer is chillin’, and a comma to gobble up an input and stash it where the pointer’s at. Want to set up a loop? Grab those brackets!

Coding with Brainf**k might seem simple at first glance, but man, it’s a whole other ball game. Even a simple “Hi Mom” message is like a puzzle, where you’re tweaking the array to match ASCII codes of each letter by cleverly juggling the pointer and tinkering with cell values.

Once you’ve put together your Brainf**k script (yeah, I can’t get enough of saying that!), you can let it loose using any online interpreter you fancy. It’s a wild ride, but by the end of it, you’ll have crafted and run software with the minimalist language ever.

So, there you have it. Brainf**k might seem strange and ultra-minimalist, but it’s a wild ride that gives you a whole new perspective on coding. It’s not about churning out your regular software, but more about understanding how you can do a lot with a little.

Here’s a code example for “Hello, World”:


Like, what the heck?

I hope you enjoyed this one!

Thank you for reading!

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Alex Maher

.NET C# dev with 10+ yrs exp, self-taught & passionate web developer. Sharing tips & experiences in C# and web dev.